Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities in Virtual Research Mentorship Implementation

Written by ADMIN Aug. 12, 2022

Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities in Virtual Research Mentorship Implementation

The TDR Global Africa Node is pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar on "Challenges and Opportunities in Virtual Research Mentorship Implementations". This webinar aims to discuss the challenges and opportunities in virtual research mentorship implementation by the two finalists in the TDR Global 2021 virtual research mentorship crowdsourcing contest. This is an opportunity for the finalists to share experiences, with the TDR Global Africa community, with regarding the implementation of their virtual research mentorship ideas.

Date: Wednesday 31st May 2023;  Time: 10 am GMT

Registration link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DOlPdGyUQZKYCupLhoPPww#/registration

Presenters:  Dr. Hammed O. Mogaji (Nigeria) and  Robert Asampong (Ghana)

Moderator: Dr. Franklin Glozah, School of Public Health, University of Ghana (Focal Person, TDR Global Africa)